Updated Auto Sort
The options available to you when you wish to Automatically Sort your students has now changed! We have incorporated many suggestions presented to us which allows you a wider variety of choice.
Access the Seating Plan for your class, where your students are waiting to be seated.
On the left hand side of the screen on the toolbar, the first thing you will notice is that the Remove All Students from Plan option is now separate from the Automatically Sort Students option.
Access the Seating Plan for your class, where your students are waiting to be seated.
On the left hand side of the screen on the toolbar, the first thing you will notice is that the Remove All Students from Plan option is now separate from the Automatically Sort Students option.
Now to Automatically Sort your students, click on the option. This will now open a pop up box in the middle of the screen giving you many options to choose from.
In the Sorting Options section, you get the usual four basic types of sorting, which includes Completely Random, Random Boy/Girl, Alphabetical and Alphabetical Boy/Girl. Underneath Alphabetical and Alphabetical Boy/Girl, you get the option to sort Front to Back and also sort Back to Front.
Under My Sorting, you can customise your sorting options. To create your own, click on the 'create new custom sort' option.
Within the first part of this section, you get to choose how you sort your students based on the data icons your school has chosen to display on the seating plan. For example, you might want to sort them first by their Current Grade and then secondly by their Behaviour Points. Sort weighting is applied in order of selection, so your first option carries twice as much weight as your second option. You can choose as many as you like, but bear in mind the more you choose the less effective the sorting seems as with so many variables it becomes more and more random.
Within the first part of this section, you get to choose how you sort your students based on the data icons your school has chosen to display on the seating plan. For example, you might want to sort them first by their Current Grade and then secondly by their Behaviour Points. Sort weighting is applied in order of selection, so your first option carries twice as much weight as your second option. You can choose as many as you like, but bear in mind the more you choose the less effective the sorting seems as with so many variables it becomes more and more random.
Applying 'Alternate Boy / Girl' tells the system to create two separate sorted lists, one for each gender and then merge them after sorting to alternate.
Section two allows you to choose how they are sorted, click on one of the three options that you wish. Mix them up will attempt to separate students rather than sort them. E.g, put your high achievers next to low achievers.
Section two allows you to choose how they are sorted, click on one of the three options that you wish. Mix them up will attempt to separate students rather than sort them. E.g, put your high achievers next to low achievers.
Finally, simple click Sort to run the sort on your current seating plan...
....or put a name in the box and then hit Save and Sort to add it to the list of 'My Sorting' for quick access in the future.