Detentions Using - Admin
This section is designed for users with SLT/HoY or Admin access only.
Click on Detentions at the top of the screen and you will be taken to the main Detentions screen.

Click on Admin on the left-hand side

This is an overview of your school's detentions. You can see the number of Pending Detentions, Attendance this month and the total number of detentions over set time frames.
Pending Detentions
Click on pending detentions on the left-hand side of the screen. In here is a list of all the students that have been given a detention but they require SLT to authorise them or they haven't been assigned a date by that teacher etc.

Single Student
To assign a student to a detention simply click on assign date on the right-hand side.

You will be asked to select the type of detention that you're assigning to the student that will then allow you to select the particular detention you wish to assign them to.
Finally, click add students to detention.
Multiple Students
You can multi-select students by clicking the tick box on the left.

Now click on Bulk assign X students. As before you now need to select a type and then the detention you wish to put them in. Finally, click add students to detention.
Absence Management
If a student fails to attend the detention or is marked absent, they will appear in here.
Click on Absences on the left-hand side of the screen and you will see a list of all students that were marked as not attended (this may have been marked absent or unauthorised absence etc).

If you need to reschedule a student’s detention to another session click on the Reschedule button on the right-hand side.

You will see the suggested detention type (this, of course, can be changed) all you need to do is select the detention the student is required to attend and click Add Students to Detention.
Bulk Assign 
You can multi-select students by clicking in the tick boxes and then use the Reschedule X detentions button at the top of the screen. Alternatively, you can Select All.

You then assign all those students to the selected detention as before.
Authorising Absences
If a student has been excused from the detention you can authorise the absence by clicking on the Authorise button on the right of the student. You will then see a pop up asking you to confirm.

Of course, you can multi-select students as before and bulk Authorise them by clicking on the Authorise X absences.
There is currently no write back to SIMs we will work on this if it becomes available to us.