Homework Copy & Delete
Once you have created an assignment, you may need to make a copy of it. Say all year 7 maths classes will have the same homework, it's easier and faster for one teacher to make the assignment, then other staff can copy and set as necessary. They can also be used year after year if you so wish! You may also need to delete assignments for numerous reasons.

Copy an Assignment
Another timesaving element of the MINTclass Homework module is the Copy Assignment option. This allows you to copy any of your own or any shared assignments. It will duplicate the chosen assignment, however it will remove all the students associated with the original assignment but leave the Year and Subject filters in place, ready for you to add your class(es).

Go to Assignments and click on the assignment you wish to copy. Now click on the Copy button in the top right-hand corner:

You will now have a copy of the original assignment, minus the name and class(es).  


This will copy over the Year, Subject, Notes, Files and Links, as well as the Mark Scheme and the original Dates.  

You now need to add the class(es).

You may also need to:
• Amend any documents or links
• Amend the Mark Scheme
• Adjust the Dates.

Once complete, click on Save.

Delete an Assignment
You may need to delete an Assignment that you have previously created for various reasons. Please note that deletions will be recorded in the activity feed in the admin section.

Go to Assignments and click on the assignment you wish to delete. In the top right-hand corner, you will see the Delete button. 


Click on Delete.


Click Yes to delete the selected assignment.  

NOTE: this will delete the Assignment and ALL associated information and data and this cannot be undone.