Homework Creating Assignments
This is what MINTclass calls Homeworks. Assignments can be made by anyone, shared or kept private, copied, edited and deleted.

Create Assignments
This is where you can create assignments. These can be created for classes, year groups and subjects and can contain instructions, files, links to web pages, intranet pages and documents.


You will see there are several filter options here. Year, Subject, and Class Filter are dependent on one another.

If you choose Year 8 from the drop-down, you will only see Year 8 subjects and classes from the respective drop-downs. You can choose multiple years, for example Y7, Y8 and Y9 to create a Key Stage Three homework that you can share with other staff, enabling them to amend to suit their needs. You can of course just jump straight to the class code and type it in if you know it!

You have the choice of adding files and/or links, as well as sharing and including estimated duration. Within the dates section, you can select Publish, Due and Marked Dates in advance so you can create assignments long before they are due and even toggle them on and off!

Let’s create an assignment for a Year 10 Maths class and attach a couple of files.

  • Firstly, you need to give the assignment a suitable name, e.g. Y10 Maths End of Term Revision Fun!
  • Next, you need to either type the class code (if you know it) or filter by selecting Year 10 from the year group box, 'Mathematics' (that’s the timetable name in this school). You will then see a list of all the Y10 Maths classes. You can of course select more than one class if you wish but for this example, let's select 10A/K.
  • You can add some instructions to the assignment by typing in the Notes box, e.g. “Download both files and complete the answer sheet with your answers”. You may wish to use this box to determine the homework, for example, “Read chapter 12 of Romeo and Juliet”, or you can just leave it blank.

Your screen should look something like this:

Adding Files 
Make sure you have Files selected and click on the Add New Files button.


You will then be taken to File Explorer (Finder Menu on a Mac) where you can browse the files you wish to upload. You can multi-select files in one go or add them one by one, it is up to you.


Once you are happy that you have the correct files click on Upload X File (where X denotes the number of files, 2 in this case).

Once the files have been uploaded your screen should look something like this:


Now, you could at this stage click on Create if you were happy with the system defaults on the right.  Let’s take a quick look:


For the Differentiation field, the default is none. Any others that are available have been created by your school's MINTclass Homework administrator.

Marking Scheme
The default here is No Marking Required - this could be used for reading exercises maybe. Any you have created or have been shared by admin will be available here.

Do you wish to share your assignment with other staff?  They can copy it then amend it to suit their needs. The default is No.

Estimated Duration
This is totally optional but it will show in the Parent and Student APP

Publish Date
Think of this as the Set date - the day the teacher gives the assignment to students.

Due Date
Yep, you guessed it - the date the assignment is due to be handed in.

Release Marks
The date you as a teacher agree that students (and parents) will see their marks via the app.
Here is what our Assignment looks like now:


Click on Create (note the Create button will act as a save button if for example you only managed to do part of the screen. You can go back and edit the assignment at any time).

You will now see the full assignment with all the selected students added etc.:


Let us explore this new page.


Let's divide the screen into three sections and go through them in one at a time.

1 - Overview of Assignment set
Here is an overview of what you set up on the previous screen. You can also edit this information by clicking on the Edit Assignment button in the top right corner.

2 - Student information
This area contains a list of ALL the students that you added to the assignment and information such as hand-in status, marks etc.

You can mark assignments as submitted individually by clicking on the Actions button, or en masse by selecting the students using the tick box next to their name or Select All and then click on Bulk Actions. We will look at Actions later.


Notice the Set Mark is greyed out as we chose No Marking Required earlier. You can also Set a Custom Due Date for individual students if you need to.

3 Assignment data
This section will show how many students have submitted work, how many you have given marks to and the Average Mark for this group.

When selecting Assignments on the sidebar you will see all the Assignments that you have created and those that others have shared.


You can click on any of these and you can then edit them.

Edit Assignments
As previously mentioned, if you don’t finish creating an Assignment you can save it and come back to it later. For the purpose of this document, we are going to look at a Year 7 English Assignment.

Click on the Assignment you wish to edit and then click on the Edit Assignment in the upper right-hand corner.

You can now edit all parts of the Assignment. For example, you may not have added a Mark Scheme, set a Due Date etc. Make the changes you need to and then click on the Save button in the bottom left-hand corner.