Staff Email
Providing you have your staff email address in MINTclass, you can now use Staff Email!

Email your colleagues individually, or by group with any information you think they might need.

There are two ways you can access Staff Emails. The first way, is to click on the option in the top right hand corner of the screen.


This will open a pop-up screen, asking you who you want to email based on who they teach.


Click on whichever option applies.

You will now be asked to type under 'called', which student/class/year/subject/room/day the people or person you want to email teaches. As you type in the box, you will see some results appear below.


Click on the option you want to select. This will then give you a list of emails belonging to your selection.


At this point, you can switch how the email addresses are separated, dependant on how your email client works. You can switch from commas to semi colons by clicking on either option.

Once you are happy, click on the 'Open in email client' button.

This will then open your choices in your email client, where you will write your email and send it to the people you have already selected using the steps above.


Please note that you can start this process again at any point, by clicking on the 'Start again' option in the top left of the staff email pop up box.


If you want to email a group of staff who teach one particular student, you can also access Staff Email via a student card.

Find the student you want to email about and open their student card. Click on the small email icon just to the top right of their admission number.


This will straight away, open the staff email pop-up, with a list of all the staff emails who teach that chosen student.


Again, click on the 'Open in email client' option, and continue to enter in a subject, type out your email and then send it!