If two staff members have the same code, their timetables in MINTclass will effectively be merged together. So ensuring staff codes are unique is important.
If staff are not ticked as a "Teacher" in your MIS, they will not pull through into MINTclass.
If staff have not yet been given a start date, they will not pull through into MINTclass.
If a staff code is changed for an existing staff member, MINTclass will no longer be able to identify the teacher without support manually updating the teachers record in MINTclass directly. If this needs to be done, please contact support.
If an email address has been changed for an existing staff member, MINTclass may struggle to log this teacher into their account. If an email must be changed, please follow the guide found here to update staff emails.
MINTclass ignores lessons that do not have a room assigned.
If a student does not have an admission number or start date, they will not be pulled into MINTclass.
Has the timetable been applied?
Has Validate memberships been run?
Has Update Course Manager been run?
All schools
in XOD will need to run the following in this order
1. EmergeXod Weekly Extract
2. EmergeXod Data from SIMS
3. EmergeXod Daily Extract
Uploading your New Timetable
If you would like your new timetable to be available to staff before the start of term you will need to upload it by clicking on the Upload Timetable button at the bottom of the SOY screen (you can access this screen by navigating to Cortex - Misc - Start of Year.
Do Not attempt this before 2nd August 2023.
You will need to create a CSV file with the data in the following order:
Room | Period | Day | Class | Teacher Name | Teacher Code| Subject | Student Name | Student Gender | Student ID | Student Reg Group
SIMS schools can download and run the file on the Upload Timetable screen.
Click on Choose File, select the file and then click on Upload To Server. If the file is in the correct format and passed the checks you will see the screen below.
Please wait until the file has finished processing.
If you have any difficulties please call support on 02380 016 564 or email support@mintclass.com