Printing for Inspections/Bulk Printing
Inspection Looming?
MINTclass now gives you the ability to print all of your seating plans by subject, all at once. Even if a seating plan has not been made, it will select a default template for you and print that. It downloads them in a .zip file and they are all in PDF format.

Please note that the maximum number of seating plans that can be printed at any one time is 100.

Only users with Admin access can use this functionality.

To begin with, click on Cortex.

Print Options Bulk

Once you're in Cortex, select the Lessons tab.

Print Options Bulk

From within Lessons, select any combination from the options in the Search bar, For example, I have chosen Year 11, Subject French, on Mon Period 2.

Click Search.

This will then give you a list of all the seating plans made for your selections. You can also select printing preferences.

Print Options Bulk

To download them all, click on the 'Download All Lessons as PDFs' button' at the bottom of the screen.

This will then download all of the plans as a .zip file into your downloads folder.

Print Options Bulk

Open the file and all of your chosen seating plans will be within it, in a PDF format, which you can then print.