Print all plans for a Student

Print all plans for a Student

In Cortex - Lessons you have been able to bulk print plans for ages.  Well, now you can filter by Student.  This will assist schools in determining who sat ‘near’ who when a student has a positive COVID-19 test result.  As we do not have any dimensions for your rooms, desks or chair spacing the easiest and most efficient solution was to allow you as a school to determine what constitutes ‘near’.  We do hope that this helps.


Log into MINTclass as an Admin user

Go to Cortex

Then click on the Lessons tab


Print Options Bulk


Click on the Student box and all students are sorted alphabetically by First Name

Select the required student and click on Search


Print Options Bulk


You will now have a list of all the lessons that the student has a plan for.


NOTE:  If a teacher has not created a plan for a lesson or the student has not been added to the plan then no plan will be displayed.


Print Options Bulk


Now, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on Download All Lessons As PDF’s button shown below.


Print Options Bulk

You can also select the print options that you wish to include such as Photos, Icons, Notes etc

Print Options Bulk


I would advise against creating plans as you are predominately using this to ascertain who sat near who.