Lesson Thirteen - Assigning and Creating your Form

Assigning Form/Tutor Groups

You can now link to your Tutor/Form Groups from within your Staff Dashboard.

Simply open your Staff Dashboard by clicking on your name in the top left-hand corner of your screen.

staff card new

Under your photo, you will see the option to add a Tutor Group

staff card new

Click on 'Add one now' and a pop-up will appear. Click on the drop down and you can select your groups from all the Tutor / Form groups within school.

staff card new

Once you have selected the correct group click on 'This Is My Form Group'. The Staff Dashboard will refresh and you will see now see the selected Tutor / Form Group has been linked to you.

staff card new

Clicking on the tutor group, in this instance 10A, will take you an auto-created group, where you will need to select a template. The students will have auto-populated the 'Manually add students' button, so you can create your tutor group like any other seating plan, by auto-sorting them on to the plan, or individually dragging each one from Manually add students.

staff card new

Finally, a 'My Form' button will appear on the sidebar.  Clicking on this button will take you to your Tutor/Form Group.

staff card new

Creating Form/Tutor Groups

You now have the ability to link your form/tutor group to your account. All you need to do is create a group and make sure that in the group description field you type the word ‘Form’ followed by the form code or name that you use in school.

form group

 Click on Groups on the Sidebar:

form group

Now click Create New Group.

form group

  • Enter the name of the group
  • Enter the description which must start with the word ‘Form’
  • Leave the 'Share this group with all Staff' box unticked, as this would share your form with all staff and not allow them to create their own group
  • Click on Create Group.

Once you have created the group, a 'My Form' button will now appear under the Classroom Tools section.

form group

Now you can populate the group with the relevant students as described in the Groups documentation Once this has been completed, when you open your Timetable you will see the linked Form / Tutor group.

Note: when a group is used as a form group, unlike other groups, it will detect the correct students and show them in the manually add students list and allow the automatic sort to work.