Lesson Six - Lesson Links
If you see a group of students more than once a week, it is probable that you want the same seating plan in each of the lessons that you have those students in. Once you have completed a seating plan for a group of students you can copy it across all the lessons that you teach them for, or just a selected number of lessons.

Master lesson link

On the menu to the left of the screen, you will see a Manage Links button, click on it. The first thing you will need to do is make the lesson a master as this will enable you to link other lessons to this one. To do this click on Make the current lesson a Master.

Master lesson link

Once you have made the first lesson a master you will see all other instances of the class. Click on each greyed out lesson to link it to the master - click again and it will turn grey and no longer be linked.

Master lesson link

Click on the 'X' to save the changes and close the pop-up. You can see if a lesson is a MASTER.

Master lesson link

Note: Once you have link lessons any changes to any lesson will change all lessons.

Searching for Lessons
You can search for groups of students by year, subject, class set or room. You will need to move to the Lesson tab, you will then see the Lesson Directory which allows you to filter all the classes.
Master lesson link

Select a year group then select a subject and click on Search to view all the classes that match the selected filters. In the example below, you can see that we have filtered to all year 9 Art lessons.

Master lesson link

Select the group that you want to view by clicking on it. You are now taken to the seating plan for that class.

Note: Unless the class is yours, you cannot make any changes to the seating plan.