Lesson Seventeen - Removing lessons

When there are room or staff changes to teachers' timetables you may see more than one lesson at a time.  This is to make sure you can copy any plans you have and to ensure that you have the correct timetable and it was not a mistake.  This page will help you remove these lessons if you do not wait for the weekly sync to take place

The colour coding remains the same, green in the top left of a lesson still means the seating plan has been created and blue means that it's a group that's been added to your timetable

Lesson Clashes
If you have a lesson clash, maybe because of a room change, the period in question will show with a '+1 more' in the bottom right.

You can resolve this by clicking on the lesson in question and clicking on 'Show Next' until you get to the lesson you need to remove. Once you have the right lesson, click on the 'Remove' option.


You will be asked to confirm the removal of this lesson, to continue, click on 'Confirm Deletion'. This will remove the lesson from your timetable and cannot be undone.

Note: if this lesson is still associated to you in SIMS, then it will reappear on your timetable after the overnight sync.