Creating a New Template
To create a new Template, click on the Templates tab and select Create New.

Choose a room type from the list, Default is the best and, then name your Template. We advise that you name it in accordance with the room that you are making the template for.


Now you will see a screen like the one below.

The top of the screen is the back of the classroom and the bottom of the screen is the front.

To create your layout click on each rectangle that applies to each chair in your room, or you can hold down shift and drag your mouse over each seat. Continue until all the seats are in the correct place.


You will notice that the rectangles become greyed out and numbered, indicating there is a seat there. If you need to move the seats around, simply drag and drop them. If you need to delete one, click on the 'X' within the rectangle. Your screen will look like the screenshot below.


Once you have finished making your template, MINTclass saves automatically, so click on the Back button outlined below and your template will now be ready to use.


If you need to amend your template at any time simply click on the Templates tab then click on the Template you wish to change.

If a template has been made into a Master by your schools MINTclass administrator only they can make changes to the template.