Lesson Thirteen - Grade Sequencing
Grade Sequencing
Grade Sequencing will allow your school to give a numerical value to grades and sub grades which will then allow MINTclass to differentiate between sub levels for colour coding.

by default, Grade Sequencing is inactive in your school and therefore you will need to activate it if you wish to use it.

Activating Grade Sequencing
Login as an Admin user and click on Cortex. Go to Configuration and then click on Grade Sequencing.

img 7

Click on INACTIVE (using the legacy system) to activate Grade sequencing.

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We have added some default values for you, however, you can amend these to suit your school's needs. There are three sets of default values, one for each secondary Key Stage.

These can be viewed by selecting the appropriate Key Stage from the drop down list at the top of the screen.

At the right of the screen, you will see an unmapped grades section. These are all the grades MINTclass has picked up that do not have a numerical value. the 'Show:' option is simply a filter. If you wish to move these over and give them a numerical value, all you have to do it drag and drop them into the left hand side and add a value to them.

img 7

You can now either add your own to the list, amend the current ones or delete them.

Adding Grades
If you wish to add your own grades to this list, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on 'Add Row+'.

img 7

In the box on the left under 'Grade Label' add the grade you currently have an in the right box underneath 'grade Value', enter in the numerical value of your grade.

img 7

Do this as many times as necessary and when you are done, click on Save Grades.

Note: The higher the grade is, the higher the numerical value will need to be, e.g. A* equals 50 and U equals 0.

Amending Grades
If you wish to amend the default grades we have already input, all you need to do is click in the box of the one you want to change and type in what you wish. Then enter a numerical value in the box to the right by doing the same thing.

img 7

Again, once you have finished entering your own grades, click on the Save Grades button.

Deleting Rows
If you wish to delete rows, you can simply double click on the 'x' that appears on the row when you hover over it.

img 7

Once you have made all your necessary changes, cluck on Save Rows.

Note: If you school doesn't use the grades entered by default, they will not show anyway but if you still wish to delete them, then you can.