Once you have made a number of templates in MINTclass you can set a default template for each room. You can find information on creating templates in Creating a New Template.
You can also make existing templates into master templates which will allow all staff to see and use them but without staff being able to make changes. This is useful if you need to apply the same layout to a room for a number of teachers. A template must be a Master template before it can become a default template. You now have two option, either make an individual template a master or bulk assign templates as masters.
To create a Master template, go to SeatPlanner and click the Templates tab on the sidebar.
Note: Once you make a template a master, you cannot undo that action and only those with administrator access to MINTclass can make changes to master templates.
Bulk Template Deletion
The bulk template deletion option within the manage templates area allows you to delete multiple room templates at once. The updated Manage Templates screen will also show you which rooms and lessons a template is used in.
Log into MINTclass as an admin user and click on Cortex then the Misc tab then click on Manage Templates
You will now see a list of all the templates in your school and the number of lessons and rooms they are being used in.
Select the template you wish to delete by clicking in the tick box just to the left of each template.
Once you have selected the templates click on the Delete Selected (X) then click on OK
Important, if a template is being used by anyone it cannot be deleted and you will see the error message above.
Once the templates have been deleted you will see a confirmation on screen.
If a template is being used, you can see a list of the lessons, groups and rooms that the template is being used in by clicking on the number in the Lessons column or the number in the Rooms column as appropriate.
You will need to change the template for each class, group, or lesson before you can delete them. Once this has been completed you can delete it as previously described.
Assigning Templates to Rooms
To enable staff to use MINTclass you need to assign a template to a room. You will have a default master template called 6x5, you can use this template for every room if you want to, however, it is recommended that you create templates that match the room layout where possible.
You can also bulk assign one template to all rooms.
MINTclass will automatically link master templates to rooms if the master template has the same name as a room within MINTclass. For example, say you have a room called '106' and you create a master template called 'Room 106', MINTclass will automatically link these together.
To bulk set one template to all rooms, go to the bulk set option in the top right of the screen and use the drop-down to select which template you want to assign to all rooms.
If you wish to create a WARBoard for your school (work achievement rewards), then please take a look at this guide on Creating War Boards.