Login and 2FA
Logging into MINTclass for the first time.
You will need to know if your school has opted to use your Active Directory (AD), O365 or Frog credentials to log into MINTclass or not. You can easily tell this from the Login Screen.

If your school uses AD then you will see the screen on the right, if not you will see the screen on the left.  If you use O365 or Frog you will just log in via them.


Regardless of how your school logs in you will have received an email from us with the link to MINTclass. When you click on this you will be taken to your schools unique MINTclass URL.

Enter either your AD Credentials or your school email address and the password (six-digit code) that was in the initial email. Now click on Sign In.

You will now see the confirm/enter email screen.


If your email address is not correct or this field is blank please enter the beginning of your school email address.  You will see that the @myschool etc information is already entered for you so, for example, I just need to type allie to complete the email allie@mintclass.com. If your email address is already entered and correct click on Continue To Next Step.

You will now be asked to change your password. The password strength has been set by your school so if you are having difficulties please ask the person responsible for MINTclass in school for help.


Creating a safe password need not be complicated, try a combination of words, for example, I have a cup a pen a clock and a pad on my desk so try CupPadClockPen. Once you have a password that is strong enough you will be able to click on Set Password.

The next step is to select how you wish to use the new 2FA (2 factor authentication). This allows for an additional level of security and replaces the Secret answer which a lot of people found complicated.

The screen below is what you will see if your school has kept the default security settings


If your school has chosen to allow you to set up 2FA via email you will see an additional option in the screen above. Your school may well have set up trusted network so you will not have to set up 2FA when you are in school but if you wish to access MINTclass at home you will need to set this up. If so you will see the screen below.


Once you have chosen the method you wish to use click on it. For this document, I will be choosing Authenticator APP first and I will then move onto the Email and No thanks. I am sure you have all received a text message at some stage so I don’t think that needs explaining!

Using an APP for 2FA
Click on Authenticator App and you will see the screen below.


You will now need to choose which app you would like to use.  For this document, I am choosing the iOS app as I have an iPhone.


Now you need to get the app onto your phone.  If you have a QR reader then scan the QR displayed to take you directly to the store.  Otherwise, search for the app in your store.  Once you have it installed, click the green button to continue

Now open the APP on your phone and scan the code on the screen as shown below.


Once you scan this code you will get a code for MINTclass which you need to enter in the box below.  If your school has enabled the trusted machine area in MINTclass you will be able to trust this computer and it won't ask for the code for 90 days if you place a tick in the box.

Click on Confirm Code and you will be logged into MINTclass.

Using Email for 2FA
If this option has been opened by your school you will see the choice on the screen as shown below.


Click on Receive an Email


If you are sure you want to use email authenticator (remember you will need to be able to access your school emails from home to use this form of authenticator at home) click on the green box to continue.


Open your school email and you will have received an email which will contain the 2FA code needed for the code box above.  Enter the code into the box and click on Confirm code and you will be logged into MINTclass.

If your school has enabled the trusted machine area in MINTclass you will be able to trust this computer and it won't ask for the code for 90 days if you place a tick in the box.

Not setting up 2FA
If you are on a trusted network at school you will be given the option to not set up 2FA.


If you are sure that you do not wish to set up 2FA and you do not wish to use MINTclass at home click on the No Thanks choice.


You will now be prompted to ensure that you do not want to set up 2FA. Click on the green box to continue.

You are now logged into MINTclass.