Grade Sequencing
Grade Sequencing
We have another upgrade for you.  Grade Sequencing will allow your school to give a numerical value to grades and sub grades which will then allow MINTclass to differentiate between sub levels for colour coding.

By default Grade Sequencing is Inactive in your school and therefore you will need to activate it if you wish to use it.

Activating Grade Sequencing
Log in as an Admin user and click on Cortex > Configuration > Grade Sequencing

 Grade 3

Click on INACTIVE (using the legacy system) to activate Grade Sequencing.

 Grade 3

We have added some default values for you however, you can amend these to suit your school’s needs.  There are three sets of default values one for each secondary Key Stage.  These can be viewed by selecting the appropriate Key Stage from the drop down list at the top of the screen.

At the bottom of the screen you will see that you can chose which grades you wish to map these too.  For example, if you wish to use colour coding to show if the Current Grade is higher or lower than the Target Grade then you would chose Current and Target but de-select all other grades.

 Grade 3